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How To Taper Off Alcohol: Key Strategies and Tips

tips to quit drinking

It’s important to identify why you’re drinking in the first place. You should also surround yourself with people who will help you quit and celebrate your wins along the way. Because substance use disorder is a complex disease, you likely have more than one trigger. When you feel a craving coming on, assess what’s around you and what you’re feeling. One study found that around 70% of participants had sleep problems when they were admitted for alcohol treatment.

Evaluating the costs and benefits of drinking

It can also be difficult if the people in your immediate social circle continue to drink or if they don’t support your plans to quit. If you think you might have an alcohol use disorder, there are evidence-based treatment options that can help you to quit drinking. Learning about your options can help you decide what might work best for you. There are times when cutting back on your drinking can be helpful, but there are times when quitting alcohol altogether is the best solution. If you want to stop drinking for good, don’t let past relapses discourage you from trying to quit.

tips to quit drinking

Staying Social When You Quit Drinking

  • You’ll get a 100% custom plan, then daily texts to track your progress and help you stay on target.
  • Alcohol has woven itself into so many aspects of our culture, and many more people experience some level of alcohol use disorder (AUD) than one might expect.
  • Tapering is meant to reduce the withdrawal symptoms from quitting alcohol, but this isn’t a guarantee.
  • When you consider how to go about giving up alcohol, account for factors like how much you drink and your reasons for drinking.
  • As mentioned above, many people will still experience some level of withdrawal, just to a lesser degree.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism suggests that having a plan can help solidify your goals and give you a roadmap for how to achieve them. Make meetings a priority – Join a recovery support group, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and attend meetings regularly. Spending time with people who understand exactly what you’re going through can be very healing. You can also benefit from the shared experiences of the group members and learn what others have done to stay sober.

tips to quit drinking

Eat before and in between drinks.

He looks at how his habitual drinking has crept up dramatically over the years, to the point where he can’t imagine enjoying life without it. Now I’ve reclaimed my weekends, I decided to make the most of my newfound time and energy by running. I know it’s not for everyone, but I’d definitely suggest trying to find something you love that you had neither the time or the energy for after drinking. You could start out with 15 minute workouts  or it could be something non-exercise related such as baking or simply arranging more early morning outings with the kids.

  • This typically occurs after five or more drinks for men and four or more drinks for women.
  • Of course, being sober doesn’t mean your glass has to be empty, either.
  • Another clue that can be an indication of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol is if you make “rules” around drinking.
  • A sober life doesn’t have to mean more time at home as you try to block out triggers.

The most important tip for quitting drinking is to keep going. There are many programs, systems, and methods for giving up alcohol. If the process takes a while, remember you are making a major change in your life and health. That is part of why, tips to quit drinking when you eventually succeed, it can feel so liberating. During withdrawal, ensure you have the emotional and physical support you need to make it through. Once you’ve quit, continue to take care of your body and mind throughout your daily life.

It’s best to talk to your doctor or medical provider before attempting cold turkey on your own. Overcoming an addiction to alcohol can be a long and bumpy road. If you’re ready to stop drinking and willing to get the support you need, you can recover from alcoholism and alcohol abuse—no matter how heavy your drinking or how powerless you feel. And you don’t have to wait until you hit rock bottom; you can make a change at any time. Whether you want to quit drinking altogether or cut down to healthier levels, these guidelines can help you get started on the road to recovery today. If you’re living with alcohol use disorder, quitting drinking is important for your health.

Cognitive Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

tips to quit drinking

Online Alcohol Treatment through Ria Health

Tell family members and friends you want to get healthier.

  • Or maybe you’re just looking to improve your health, wake up hangover-free and give your liver (and your heart and brain) a break.
  • If you feel comfortable doing so, discuss your challenges with your primary healthcare professional.
  • SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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